DECEMBER 9, 2022
Ukraine News Afghanistan News

Afghan Deputy Prime Minister Expresses Willingness for Positive Engagement with the UK

Afghan Deputy Prime Minister Expresses Willingness for Positive Engagement with the UK

In a recent meeting, Deputy Prime Minister for Political Affairs, Mawlaw Abdul Kabir, engaged with Robert Chatterton Dickson, the Charge d’Affaires of the UK Mission to Afghanistan, expressing the Islamic Emirate's desire for positive engagement with the world, particularly with the United Kingdom, as reported by the Arg.

Chatterton Dickson conveyed Britain's interest in connecting Afghanistan with the global community. The UK expressed readiness to foster good relations with the Islamic Emirate and mediate between the Emirate and the international community, a sentiment applauded by political analyst Hassan Haqyarz, who highlighted the potential positive impact on the people of both nations.

This meeting follows a prior discussion between Deputy Foreign Minister Sher Mohammad Abbas Stanikzai and Chatterton Dickson, where Stanikzai emphasized the Islamic Emirate's willingness to negotiate and engage with all countries. Political analyst Ajmal Zurmati praised such visits, considering them opportunities for dialogue based on Afghanistan's realities and international expectations.

However, political analyst Bilal Fatimi cautioned that engagement might be challenging unless certain conditions, such as reopening girls' schools and upholding women's rights, are met. As of now, no country has formally recognized the Islamic Emirate since it assumed power. The international community continues to closely monitor developments in Afghanistan.

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